Through a tree we were enslaved, and through the holy Cross have we been set free.

Table of Contents

Our Mission

The Guild serves to organize tech professionals and amateurs alike at the local and national level, with a focal point on America. This is not a guild in the socialist union sense, if that wasn't already obvious.

The men who belong here take their faith seriously and love the outdoors, rural living, and family values. They also may be programmers, system administrators, network engineers, or just like to daily drive a Unix system.

If you're seeking any of the following, go elsewhere. If you don't know what some of these items refer to, good.

How Membership Works

To become a member of the Guild, you must receive an invitation from an existing member in real life or from the admin/owner. If you don't know anyone but would like to become involved you will need to take an interview with someone in our leadership. Please e-mail Tom.

Please do not:

The administration reserves the right to remove you from the platform at their discretion if you exceedingly fail to uphold these expectations.

Invitation Policy

Anyone who requests an invitation to give to a new member is vouching for that new member and may suffer consequences if that user breaks platform rules. Consequences include: